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52°North SOS - IOOS Build

GetCapabilities (v1) • Version: 1.2-SNAPSHOT • Build time: 2016-09-15 05:55 UTC

Get Involved!

There are various ways to get involved with the 52°North Initiative. What are your interests? (If you want to get involved in open source, but don't know how to start, you might want to read this blog entry.)

Tell the world!

If your SOS instance is publicly available please consider informing us or the community on swe@52north.org or use our forums so that many people can profit from your hard work. If you like, your SOS can also be listed in our Wiki as an example.

Code development/ bug fixing

The best way to get to know a software is to use it! Implement features that you yourself need - new software, code snippets, adaptations, extensions, etc. Help others solve their problems. Fix bugs and enhance the existing software. There are many ways to get started!

Contact the community leader who is responsible for the software to which you would like to contribute. If you are interested in providing code, please read our contributors license agreement (CLA) guidelines . If you have questions about this or our software licensing, please check our licensing pages.

Testing / bug reporting

The development of high quality software demands a lot of testing. Run the latest development code and provide feedback on changes as they occur. Report errors or possible improvements. The best way to test 52°North's development code is to use the 52°North SOS GitHub issue tracker. This requires an account. Simply sign up with a legitimate email address. We also have various mailing lists/forums in which you can also report bugs.


Help produce official software documentation, i.e. user guides, tutorials, how tos, FAQs, etc. Document a solution to a problem. Check, proof and test documents for accuracy. Contact the community leader who is responsible for the software documentation in question.

Discuss and Support

Join or start discussions about new feature ideas, help answer questions in our mailings lists and forums.


Make your commitment official and become a 52°North cooperation partner!

Thanks for using the 52°North SOS and thank you for your support of the Sensor Web community!